
sse 10,9 km
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On a magic spot of the acropolis of former fortified Přemyslovci settlement situated on the top of St. Ján hill, right inside the town historical district of Netolice, rises since the year 2004 step by step an archaeological park, thematically focused on the period of the rise of the Czech state in 10th–13th century. It is the first example of southern Bohemian archaeological site presented with the help of direct reconstruction.
Currently, most of the park’s area is utilized by a cynology club; however, the main route leading through the acropolis of the fortified settlement is open to the public. Here visitors have the opportunity to see a cross section of the main loose-material bulwark from the 10th century, reconstructed load-bearing wall with the body of the chambered fortifications with palisades at the location of archaeological explorations in 2000, and the landform remains of a smaller “pincer gate”.
Contact: Informační středisko a Muzeum JUDr. Otakara Kudrny, Mírové náměstí 248, Netolice, www.netolice.cz, info@netolice.cz, tel: 388 324 251
Note: The Archeopark is accessible from one side only. For safety reasons, the eastern part of the staircase is closed.
Obrázek - Archeopark Netolice
w 12,4 km
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The castle ruins on the rocky ridge
Opening: 1. 5. – 31. 10. tue - ne 10.00 - 17.00
Address: Bavorov, 38773 Bavorov, Eva Seberová 724 724 747, www.facebook.com/zriceninahradu, www.helfenburk.com, evicka.seberova@seznam.cz, tel: 383 390 202 - Město Bavorov - majitel
Obrázek - Helfenburk
nw 20,1 km
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Between the villages Dobev and Velké Nepodřice you can step up to the outlook tower with 165 steps, 531 m above the sea level. The pole is 65m high and you can admire the beauty of surroundings at the height of 31 m. You can see the tops of Šumava. Outlook-tower is opened year round, gratis, but together for only 8 persons.
Address: Velké Nepodřice, 39701 Písek 1, www.icpisek.cz/docs/cz/atr71.xml, tel: 382 262 103
Obrázek - Outlook-tower "Velký Kamýk"
wew 5,2 km
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Lookout tower 24.5 meters high.
Opening: nonstop
Address: Vodňanské Svobodné Hory, 38901 Vodňany, www.rozhlednahaniperk.cz
Current temperature and humidity data are currently unavailable.
Online current values of temperature and humidity: www.rozhlednahaniperk.cz.
ne 12,8 km
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Address: Vladimír Voneš, www.vsemyslice.eu, info@vsemyslice.eu, tel: 739 189 341
Contact: Vladimír Voneš, tel: 739 189 341
Obrázek - Viewing Tower Vysoký Kamýk u Albrechtic nad Vltavou